Learn to make the ​scale your b*tch

Build strength and body confidence, but not give up ​your favorite foods

About Mpowered Futrition

We are dedicated to providing personalized health and ​wellness solutions that prioritize a sustainable lifestyle, ​food freedom, and a positive mindset.

By empowering individuals to take control of their ​health and wellbeing, we go beyond just weight loss or ​physique goals.

We help build lifelong habits for long term results.

Happy Woman with Laptop Celebrating Success at Home

Key Pillars of Success

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Personalized nutrition ​without giving up your ​favorite foods

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Fitness Programming ​you can do anywhere

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Accountability for ​your busy schedule

Personalized ​Nutrition

  • Custom macros/nutrition ​plan
  • Sustainable and flexible ​dieting philosophy
  • Macro Guide/Recipe help
  • Meal prep suggestions
  • Blood work and functional ​testing analysis/protocol ​suggestions

Fitness ​Programm​ing

  • Custom workout programming ​done anywhere via app
  • Progressive overload- based plans
  • Exercise and movement education
  • Weighlifting/Stretching/warm​up guid​es
  • At home or gym progra​ms
  • Exercise demonstrati​on
  • Progress trackin​g​


  • Full service coaching
  • 24/6 access to coach via WhatsApp
  • Access to private FB group and group ​WhatsApp chat with other clients
  • Weekly video check-ins with ​reminders
  • App to store data and progress
  • Services can be added based on client ​needs


Leann works with busy professionals like ​myself and understands the struggles ​having a hectic job can bring when trying ​to manage your weight and take care of ​your health. I travel nearly every week for ​work and she has taught me how to eat on ​the road when many times I have little ​control over my options. I am able to have ​cocktails with co-workers and enjoy team ​dinners without guilt and still lose. I ​highly recommend her program!

Kelli S.

Before I started this program I was ​working out, watching my calories and i ​drank most days. Since I started working ​with Leann, I realized that I wasn’t fueling ​my body with enough nutrients and ​protein. I am actually eating more, and ​still have alcohol in moderation but cut ​down significantly. I saw results even in a ​reverse diet both in inches and weight. ​Plus I have energy AND I am finally ​regular...something that wasn’t my norm! ​She’s an amazing coach!

Nancy K


I tried it all too.

As a kid, I had terrible self-confidence and body dysmorphia. As a teenager, ​I drank Slim Fast and took Dexatrim pills in order to lose weight.

As an adult and mom, WW, Keto, Whole30, Atkins and every other fad diet ​were on a regular rotation for me. I lived the “I can’t eat that, it’s not on my ​diet” philosophy...only to be so hungry that I binged on whatever I was ​craving and started the process all over again.

In my early 40s, I thought becoming a fitness instructor would FINALLY ​solve my issues. I was definitely more cardiovascularly fit, but I had no idea ​how to eat in a healthy and sustainable way. I wanted to show my daughter a ​healthier way.

That is when I sought out a coach to provide nutrition help and the ​accountability I desperately needed. That decision changed my life.

I lost weight, a ton of inches, and got STRONG! I was so inspired by that ​journey that I studied my butt off to certify as a coach myself. I believe more ​women need to know they have the power to achieve their health goals ​without living a life of restriction.

Contact Us


(262) 484-3579




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